Earth Day 2024 : Compare Best Activites in Bali and Australia

In the heart of Bali’s jungles and Australia’s landscapes, Earth Day ignites a tapestry of green initiatives and eco-adventures. 

From Ubud’s Monkey Forest to Australia’s bird sanctuaries, join us as we explore the vibrant contrasts of Earth Day in these paradises.

Read more: 10 Perfect Things To Do in Ubud

What is Earth Day?

earth day
A Single Dirt Can Hold a Life (Sources)

Earth Day, a global phenomenon, is celebrated annually on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

This day serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to safeguard the planet’s natural resources and biodiversity. 

From awareness campaigns to tree planting initiatives, Earth Day inspires individuals worldwide to take action against climate change and environmental degradation. 

But how do different regions mark this significant occasion? Especially in Bali and Australia?

Let’s unveil this in the article below!

Are Earth Day and World Environment Day Different?

Environment Protection Movement on Earth Day (Sources)

Earth Day and World Environment Day both aim to promote environmental awareness and action, but they have distinct origins and focuses.

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22nd, began in the United States in 1970 as a grassroots response to environmental concerns.

Meanwhile, World Environment Day, observed on June 5th, was established by the United Nations in 1972 for global environmental action.

In short, both Earth Day and World Environment Day share the goal of promoting environmental awareness and action.

However, Earth Day has its roots in grassroots activism and is primarily focused on raising awareness among the general public.

Whereas World Environment Day often involves broader international cooperation and policy discussions.

Is Earth Day Celebrated In All Countries?

Everyone does celebrate Earth Day (Sources)

Earth Day has evolved into a global observance celebrated in nearly every country around the world. 

While the extent of celebrations may vary from one country to another, the core message of Earth Day – promoting environmental awareness and action – resonates across cultures and borders. 

From community clean-up events to educational initiatives, individuals and organizations worldwide participate in Earth Day activities to demonstrate their commitment to protecting the planet.

What Is A Fun Fact About Earth Day?

The Cause of Earth Day Establishment (Sources)

A fun fact about Earth Day is that the idea for the first Earth Day in 1970 was inspired by a massive oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California.

Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day, was deeply concerned about the environmental impact of the spill.

He sought to harness the energy of the emerging environmental movement to raise awareness and advocate for environmental protection.

The inaugural Earth Day on April 22, 1970, mobilized millions of Americans and laid the groundwork for future environmental activism and legislation.

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What is The Mission of Earth Day?

Promoting Sustainability in Earth Day (Sources)

The mission of Earth Day is to mobilize individuals and communities worldwide to take action on environmental issues and promote sustainability.

Earth Day serves as a platform for raising awareness about pressing environmental challenges, advocating for policy changes, and inspiring individuals to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

By harnessing the power of collective action, Earth Day aims to address environmental issues and protect the planet for future generations.

What is the Theme of Earth Day 2024?

Earth Day 2024 theme (Sources)

The theme of Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs Plastics”.

This theme emphasizes the urgency to widespread awareness on the health risk on plastics.

Not only that, this year theme also calls the world to rapidly phase out all single use plastics, push for a strong UN Treaty on plastic pollution, and put an end to fast fashion.

Earth Day 2024 for a more sustainable plastic-free future! 

How to Celebrate Earth Day?

Gardening is one of the activity to celebrating Earth Day (Sources)

While Earth Day is observed worldwide, the festivities and activities can vary significantly depending on the cultural context and environmental priorities of each region. 

Let’s delve into the contrasting Earth Day celebrations in Bali, Indonesia, and Australia.

Earth Day Activities in Australia

Australia, land full of nature richness (Sources)

In Australia, Earth Day is embraced with enthusiasm, offering a diverse range of activities that resonate with the nation’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

1. World Earth Day: Seed Library Launch

Library of Seeds in Australia (Sources)

One notable event is the launch of seed libraries, where communities come together to exchange seeds and promote biodiversity.

This initiative not only encourages sustainable gardening practices but also fosters a sense of community resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

The Seed Library Australia not only provide knowledge about gardening they also sells seed in a package box from flowers, vegetables, until fruits.

2. Understanding Climate Science for Green Future

Understanding Climate by Looking at the Impact in Plants (Sources)

Another engaging activity involves educational workshops focused on climate science.

These workshops aim to increase public awareness of climate change impacts and empower individuals to make informed decisions that contribute to a greener future.

3. Make a Seed Ball Workshop

Making Seed Ball (Sources)

For the younger generation, interactive workshops such as the “Make a Seed Ball” session provide hands-on learning experiences about native plant species and ecosystem restoration.

Children are encouraged to get their hands dirty while learning about the importance of seed dispersal and habitat restoration.

4. Earth Day Event at the Bird Sanctuary

Colorful Bird in Australian Bird Sanctuary (Sources)

Nature enthusiasts flock to Earth Day events held at bird sanctuaries, where guided tours and bird-watching activities offer insights into local avian biodiversity.

Participants gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the need for habitat conservation.

In Australia, people used to visit sanctuary point like in NSW or Adelaide to see Australian beautiful birds, or another unique animals.

5. For the Beauty of the Earth: An Earth Day Event

One of the Earth Day Event in Australia (Sources)

Additionally, Australian also celebrate earth day by making an event.

From Ocean Clean-up to music concert, they inspire attendees to cherish and protect the Earth’s beauty.

Earth Day Activities in Bali, Indonesia

The natural beauty of Bali (Sources)

In contrast, Earth Day celebrations in Bali, Indonesia, embrace the island’s unique natural landscape and cultural heritage, offering immersive experiences for eco-conscious travelers.

1. Show Your Love For Animals at Ubud Monkey Forest

Meet the Monkeys at Ubud Monkey Forest (Sources)

One iconic Earth Day activity in Bali is visiting the Ubud Monkey Forest, where visitors can observe and interact with Balinese long-tailed macaques in their natural habitat. 

This sanctuary serves as a symbol of Bali’s commitment to wildlife conservation and habitat preservation.

2. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in Ubud

Carbon Pollution (Sources)

To reduce their environmental impact, tourists are encouraged to explore Ubud on foot or by bicycle, soaking in the lush scenery and fresh air while minimizing carbon emissions.

This eco-friendly approach aligns with Bali’s sustainable tourism initiatives and promotes responsible travel practices.

3. Test Your Endurance: Hike up Mount Batur

The Great Batur Mountain (Sources)

For adventurous souls, hiking up Mount Batur provides a thrilling Earth Day experience, offering panoramic views of Bali’s volcanic landscapes and crater lakes.

This challenging trek not only rewards hikers with breathtaking vistas but also fosters a deeper connection to nature and a sense of accomplishment.

4. No Energy Waste: Turn Off the Lights

Light Off Movement (Sources)

As a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the global environmental movement, Bali residents and businesses participate in lights-off initiatives during Earth Hour.

By reducing energy consumption, communities demonstrate their commitment to combatting climate change and promoting energy efficiency.

5. Dine with the Elements at Atlas Beach Club

Celebration of Earth Day in Bali

To culminate the Earth Day festivities, eco-conscious travelers can dine with the elements at Atlas Beach Club, a sustainable dining destination that showcases local organic cuisine and innovative eco-friendly practices.

From farm-to-table menus to zero-waste initiatives, Atlas Beach Club embodies Bali’s eco-conscious culinary scene and invites visitors to savor the flavors of sustainability.

Read More : Essential Guide: Things to Prepare for Bali – Your Ultimate Travel Checklist

Conclusion: Embracing Earth Day Across Borders

Embracing the Awareness to Protect the Earth (Sources)

In conclusion, Earth Day serves as a global platform for environmental advocacy and collective action, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences.

Whether celebrating in the vibrant streets of Bali or the pristine landscapes of Australia, individuals unite in their commitment to protecting the planet and preserving its natural wonders for future generations.

As Australian tourists and international visitors alike partake in Earth Day festivities, they not only contribute to local conservation efforts but also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the Earth’s beauty and biodiversity.

Together, let us continue to celebrate Earth Day and strive towards a more sustainable and resilient planet for all.

Read more about other Bali Tips and Travel Hacks on Atlas News.

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