Top 8 Bali Traditional Foods that You Must Try!

A white plate topped with traditional food next to a spoon and fork.– Welcome to Atlas Beach Club

Bali is not only famous for their amazing and enchanting tourist sites. They also have many well-known Bali traditional foods. Visiting Bali without trying their gastronomy destination will be such a waste.

Therefore, if you want to visit Bali, you need to make sure you have researched their foods. Rest assured, it is easy to find Bali’s traditional foods, from Bali street food to the fanciest ones!

Thus, we have created a traditional Bali food list to help you discover authentic Balinese and delicious food! Here is our list of Bali traditional foods and drinks you must try!

1. Babi Guling

No one can skip this dish when they are visiting Bali. Yep, it is the famous Babi Guling or Balinese suckling pig.

Balinese babi guling has a lot of differences from the other babi guling—especially the filling inside the meat and spices that will be savoury in your mouth.

Babi guling consists of a spit-roasted pig with spices and vegetables. Usually, it is cassava leaves. One of the best parts of babi guling that you must try is their crispy, juicy, and tender brown skin.

2. Sate

Not only famous in Bali, this food already gained popularity worldwide. Sate or satay is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia, especially in Bali.

Different from the normal sate, which consists of chicken skewers and coconut sauce, in Bali, there are many kinds of sate, such as sate babi or pork satay, sate ikan or fish satay, and sate cumi or squid sate.

Balinese sate also has various sauces. From coconut sauce, red and spicy sauce, and traditional Balinese spices sauce.

The best place to find sate in Bali is around their beaches. There, you can easily find food stalls offering delicious seafood with authentic Balinese satay.

3. Ayam Betutu

The third dish on our Bali food list is ayam betutu. This is one of the best ways for you to enjoy chicken in Bali.

Basically, betutu is a way to cook chicken or duck. This iconic Balinese’s dishes is a slow-roasted dish that consists of a whole chicken (ayam) stuffed with spices and vegetables. It will give you a savoury and juicy meat sensation as you taste the ayam betutu.

4. Sate Lilit

Still not moving on from the famous sate, we have one sate you can only find in Bali! It is sate lilit.

Unlike the previous sate, sate lilit is made from minced meat and coconut. It will give you a unique taste as it blends with the vegetables and spices. You can also enjoy sate lilit with various dipping sauces.

5. Jukut Undis

If you are a fan of vegan foods, then one of the food in Bali for vegetarians that you should try is jukut undis.

Jukut undis is a traditional salad in Bali. It is very easy to find jukut undis in Bali, especially if you are visiting Balinese’s traditional villages. Many food stalls will sell jukut undis with the other traditional dishes.

The base of this dish is black beans with traditional Balinese spices, basa rajang. Therefore, this Bali traditional foods vegan, delicious, and also affordable. 

6. Sambal Matah

Next, when visiting Bali, sambal matah is the best traditional sauce you must try!

Sambal matah is usually featured in most of Balinese traditional foods, from babi guling, ayam betutu, sate lilit, etc. Therefore, finding this special and unique sauce from Bali is not hard!

7. Nasi Campur

If you want to try many kinds of Bali’s traditional food on one plate, then nasi campur is the best answer for you!

Basically, nasi campur is a complete dish with chicken (ayam betutu), sate lilit, and various mixed vegetables. You also can choose the other side dishes, such as babi guling, soup, or sambal matah.

8. Loloh

The last one is loloh!

Loloh is Balinese’s traditional drink that contains many herbs. You don’t have to worry about the taste, it is very refreshing and sweet!

The most famous loloh in Bali is loloh cemcem. It contains Balinese traditional herbs with coconut meat and water. You can easily find it in Bangli, especially in Penglipuran Traditional Village.So, that’s all the list of our favorite Bali traditional foods that you must try! If you want to try the other savoury culinary dishes in Bali, visit Atlas Beach Fest!

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